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ZipPlatform.h File Reference


namespace  ZipPlatform


enum  ZipPlatform::FileOverwriteMode { ZipPlatform::fomRegular = 0x00, ZipPlatform::fomRemoveReadOnly = 0x01, ZipPlatform::fomOnlyIfNewer = 0x02, ZipPlatform::fomRecycleBin = 0x04 }


ZIP_API void ZipPlatform::AnsiOem (CZipAutoBuffer &buffer, bool bAnsiToOem)
ZIP_API int ZipPlatform::FileExists (LPCTSTR lpszName)
ZIP_API DWORD ZipPlatform::GetDefaultAttributes ()
ZIP_API DWORD ZipPlatform::GetDefaultDirAttributes ()
ZIP_API ULONGLONG ZipPlatform::GetDeviceFreeSpace (LPCTSTR lpszPath)
ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::GetSystemCaseSensitivity ()
ZIP_API int ZipPlatform::GetSystemID ()
ZIP_API CZipString ZipPlatform::GetTmpFileName (LPCTSTR lpszPath=NULL, ZIP_SIZE_TYPE uSizeNeeded=0)
ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::IsDirectory (DWORD uAttr)
ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::IsDriveRemovable (LPCTSTR lpszFilePath)
ZIP_API int ZipPlatform::MultiByteToWide (const CZipAutoBuffer &szIn, CZipString &szOut, UINT uCodePage)
ZIP_API int ZipPlatform::MultiByteToWide (const char *szIn, int iInSize, CZipString &szOut, UINT uCodePage)
ZIP_API int ZipPlatform::WideToMultiByte (LPCWSTR lpszIn, CZipAutoBuffer &szOut, UINT uCodePage)
ZIP_API int ZipPlatform::WideToMultiByte (LPCWSTR lpszIn, CZipAutoBuffer &szOut, bool bAddNull, UINT uCodePage)
Various operations on files and directories.

If the functions returns a bool value, then true indicates that the operation was successful.

ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::GetCurrentDirectory (CZipString &sz)
 Returns the current directory and stores it in sz.
ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::ChangeDirectory (LPCTSTR lpDirectory)
 Changes the current directory.
ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::SetFileAttr (LPCTSTR lpFileName, DWORD uAttr)
 Sets the file attributes.
ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::GetFileAttr (LPCTSTR lpFileName, DWORD &uAttr)
 Returns the file attributes.
ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::GetFileTimes (LPCTSTR lpFileName, time_t *tModificationTime, time_t *tCreationTime=NULL, time_t *tLastAccessTime=NULL)
 Retrieves file times.
ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::SetFileTimes (LPCTSTR lpFileName, const time_t *tModificationTime, const time_t *tCreationTime=NULL, const time_t *tLastAccessTime=NULL)
 Sets file times.
ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::GetFileSize (LPCTSTR lpszFileName, ZIP_SIZE_TYPE &dSize)
 Returns the file size.
ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::CreateNewDirectory (LPCTSTR lpDirectory)
 Creates a new directory.
ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::SetVolLabel (LPCTSTR lpszPath, LPCTSTR lpszLabel)
 Sets a label on a removable device. lpszPath may point to a file on the device.
ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::ForceDirectory (LPCTSTR lpDirectory)
 Creates nested directories at once.
ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::RemoveFile (LPCTSTR lpszFileName, bool bThrow=true, int iMode=fomRegular)
 Removes a file.
ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::RenameFile (LPCTSTR lpszOldName, LPCTSTR lpszNewName, bool bThrow=true)
 Renames a file.
void ZipPlatform::ConvertTimeToFileTime (const time_t &ttime, ZFILETIME &fileTime)
bool ZipPlatform::ConvertFileTimeToTime (const ZFILETIME &fileTime, time_t &ttime)
ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::SetFileAttr (HANDLE handle, DWORD uAttr)
 Sets the file attributes.
ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::SetFileTimes (HANDLE handle, const time_t *tModificationTime, const time_t *tCreationTime=NULL, const time_t *tLastAccessTime=NULL)
 Set file times.
ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::TruncateFile (int iDes, ULONGLONG uSize)
ZIP_API int ZipPlatform::OpenFile (LPCTSTR lpszFileName, UINT iMode, int iShareMode)
ZIP_API bool ZipPlatform::FlushFile (int iDes)
ZIP_API intptr_t ZipPlatform::GetFileSystemHandle (int iDes)

Detailed Description

ZipPlatform namespace declaration.

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