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Sample Applications that Demonstrate Usage of the ZipArchive Library
Applies To: All
The sample applications available with the ZipArchive Library demonstrate most of its features.

ZipArc - MFC Application

ZipArc uses the ZipArchive Library in the MFC version.

Main Features

  • multithreaded - you can work with many zip files at one time
  • MDI application
  • shell integration (previous system settings will be restored on uninstallation)
  • drag & drop support
  • detailed error reports
  • you can open and modify SFX archives


Microsoft Visual Studio

Use the provided solution or project files and make sure the ZipArc and the ZipArchive directories are in the same subdirectory.

Zippie - STL Application

Zippie is a command line application which can be compiled under Windows, Linux and OS X.


Microsoft Visual Studio

Use the provided solution or project files and make sure the Zippie and the ZipArchive directories are in the same subdirectory. Use one of the STL configurations (Visual Studio .NET) for compilation.

Linux/OS X


  • Create a new Console Application project.
  • Add all the Zippie source files to the project.
  • Make sure only one main() method is defined.
  • To link to the ZipArchive Library, you can uncomment the #pragma comment definitions near to the top of the zippie.cpp.
  • Compile the project.
  • Instead of having two separate projects, you can also try adding all the ZipArchive and Zippie sources to a single Console Application project.


Article ID: 0610051434
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