How to Use the Library

There is a comprehensive set of
articles that cover in
details the usage of the ZipArchive Library. Most of them are accompanied by a sample
code. For more information please also read
the API Documentation.
Versions Explanation
The ZipArchive Library is distributed in two versions: the Open Source (GNU GPL)
Version and the Full Version. The Full Version is available only after purchasing
the license. It is also possible to obtain or purchase a license for the commercial
usage of the GNU GPL Version. To read more about the licensing conditions of the
ZipArchive Library visit
the Licensing Page.
Full Version Additional Features
The Full Version has the following features in addition to the features included
in the GNU GPL Version:
Trial Version and Samples
To test the features of the Full Version, you can
the trial version of the ZipArchive Library. You can also test the sample
applications available at
the Download Page to test
the most of the features of the Library - they are compiled using the Full Version
of the Library. One of applications is a GUI application that uses MFC version of
the Library and the other one is a command line application that uses the STL version.
Clients Area
Existing clients can log into their accounts using the link at the top of all pages,
to enable additional features of the web site, such as downloading of the ZipArchive
Library Full Version. If you have purchased the commercial license in the past (or
have obtained it within a software exchange) and you don't have an account,
request the login information here.
Who's Using the ZipArchive Library

this page to find out.

The ZipArchive Library uses also third-party code that has been generously made
publicly available by its authors. All the information along with the third-party
licensing details can be found at
the Acknowledgements Page.