noError |
No error.
genericError |
An unspecified error.
badZipFile |
Damaged or not a zip file.
badCrc |
Crc is mismatched.
noCallback |
There is no spanned archive callback object set.
noVolumeSize |
The volume size was not defined for a split archive.
aborted |
The volume change callback in a segmented archive method returned false .
abortedAction |
The action callback method returned false .
abortedSafely |
The action callback method returned false , but the data is not corrupted.
nonRemovable |
The device selected for the spanned archive is not removable.
tooManyVolumes |
The limit of the maximum number of volumes has been reached.
tooManyFiles |
The limit of the maximum number of files in an archive has been reached.
tooLongData |
The filename, the comment or local or central extra field of the file added to the archive is too long.
tooBigSize |
The file size is too large to be supported.
badPassword |
An incorrect password set for the file being decrypted.
dirWithSize |
The directory with a non-zero size found while testing.
internalError |
An internal error.
fileError |
A file error occurred. Examine m_iSystemError for more information.
notFound |
A file was not found.
notRemoved |
Error while removing a file. Examine m_iSystemError for more information.
notRenamed |
Error while renaming a file. Examine m_iSystemError for more information.
platfNotSupp |
Cannot create a file for the specified platform.
cdirNotFound |
The central directory was not found in the archive (or you were trying to open not the last disk of a segmented archive).
cdir64NotFound |
The Zip64 central directory signature was not found in the archive where expected.
noBBZInZip64 |
The number of bytes before a zip archive must be zero in the Zip64 format.
badAesAuthCode |
Mismatched authentication code in WinZip AEC decrypted data.
noZip64 |
The Zip64 format has not been enabled for the library, but is required to use the archive.
noAES |
WinZip AES encryption has not been enabled for the library, but is required to decompress the archive.
outOfBounds |
The collection is empty and the bounds do not exist.
mutexError |
Locking or unlocking resources access was unsuccessful.
streamEnd |
Zlib library error.
needDict |
Zlib library error.
errNo |
Zlib library error.
streamError |
Zlib library error.
dataError |
Zlib library error.
memError |
Zlib library or CZipMemFile error.
bufError |
Zlib library error.
versionError |
Zlib library error.
bzSequenceError |
Bzlib library error.
bzParamError |
Bzlib library error.
bzMemError |
Bzlib library error.
bzDataError |
Bzlib library error.
bzDataErrorMagic |
Bzlib library error.
bzIoError |
Bzlib library error.
bzUnexpectedEof |
Bzlib library error.
bzOutbuffFull |
Bzlib library error.
bzConfigError |
Bzlib library error.
bzInternalError |
Internal Bzlib library error.